Shoulder Pain Management Houston

Shoulder pain is a common symptom that can result from a variety of causes, ranging from minor injuries to more complex medical conditions. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion, and its pain can impact daily activities. Explore effective Shoulder Pain Management in Houston for relief and improved well-being. Find solutions to enhance your shoulder health and regain comfort.

Most common causes of should pain

Pain in this joint can occur due to various reasons and can be a source of lower back pain, gluteal pain, and hip pain.

Arthritis: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can both affect the shoulder joint. You may have heard this called “bone on bone arthritis.” Indeed, there are times when the space between bones in the shoulder joint decreases and there is damage to the cartilage that allows for normal shoulder movement. This can result in significant pain.

Rotator cuff injuries: The muscles and tendons around the shoulder that allow for range of motion, function, and strength are referred to as the rotator cuff. Rotator cuff injury can result from overuse, repetitive motion, or traumatic injury.

Frozen shoulder: Also known as adhesive capsulitis, this condition causes stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint.

Shoulder impingement syndrome: This occurs when the rotator cuff tendons and bursa become pinched between the bones of the shoulder.

Bursitis: This is inflammation of the bursa sacs that cushion the joints.

Fractures: A broken bone in the shoulder can cause pain and limited mobility.

Tendinitis: This is inflammation of the tendons that attach muscle to bone.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and that pain can have various other causes as well. It’s always best to seek medical advice if you’re experiencing persistent or severe pain.

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What are the Treatment Options for shoulder Pain?


Steroid injections: A small amount of steroid can be injected into the shoulder joint using ultrasound or x-ray guidance. This is a quick procedure that can be done in the clinic. We numb up the skin and muscles so patients don’t usually feel significant pain during the procedure. The steroid can reduce inflammation and pain as well as help improve motion within the joint so you can get back to gardening, golfing, and playing with your children.

Anti-inflammatory medications: There are medications that are not addictive and can help not just reduce pain but treat the underlying inflammation causing the pain. There are over-the-counter options, but your doctor can prescribe prescription strength anti-inflammatories.

Physical therapy: Strengthening the shoulder muscles and improving the range of motion of the shoulder joint can help pain and function significantly. This is achieved with physical therapy and appropriate exercise. There are numerous physical therapy options in Missouri City and Sugar Land, and Texas Pain Care can help guide you as to which option may be best for you.

Nerve blocks: There are nerves that go to the shoulder (for example, the suprascapular nerve) that can be blocked and provide pain relief. These nerve blocks may be temporary, but they can give you a window of pain relief within which you can engage in physical therapy and give your body time to heal. This nerve block is done in the office and can be completed safely in minutes.

Rotator cuff injuries

Frozen shoulder

Treatment may involve physical therapy, stretching, and pain management techniques such as ice and heat therapy. We can provide a steroid injection that, along with physical therapy, often restores motion and gets rid of pain. The injection can be done quickly and safely in the office under ultrasound or x-ray guidance. Numbing medication like lidocaine is used to minimize pain during the procedure.

Shoulder impingement syndrome

Treatment may include physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medication, injections into the bursa to reduce inflammation, and rest. These injections can be done in the clinic


Treatment may include rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication, injections in and around the bursa, and physical therapy. Injections can be done quickly and relatively painlessly using state-of-the-art ultrasound guidance or x-ray guidance.


Treatment may involve immobilization, pain management, and possibly surgery. Sometimes a fracture can go undetected, and our experts at Texas Pain Care can help provide imaging and other diagnostic modalities to help identify the problem.


Treatment may include rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication, injections of steroids or platelet rich plasma, and physical therapy. The experts at Texas Pain Care are happy to help guide you toward what treatments are likely to help your tendinitis.


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