Neuropathic Pain Treatment

Neuropathic pain, also called nerve pain, is a type of long-lasting pain that happens when there’s damage or a problem in the nervous system. Unlike regular pain caused by injuries or inflammation, neuropathic pain occurs when the nerves themselves get hurt or don’t work properly. Explore effective Neuropathic Pain Treatment for relief.

What is Neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic pain is described as abnormal feelings like shooting or burning pain, tingling, numbness, or increased sensitivity. The pain can be constant or come and go, and it may be accompanied by other symptoms like weak muscles or changes in skin temperature or texture.

Neuropathic pain most commonly occurs when there is damage or issues with the nerves of the peripheral nervous system, meaning these are nerves that go to your feet, legs, hands, and arms. It can also affect other areas of the body.

Most common causes of pelvic pain

Peripheral Neuropathy

Damage to the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord, which can be caused by diabetes, infections, injuries, autoimmune disorders, or exposure to toxins.

Spinal cord injury

Damage to the spinal cord that leads to ongoing nerve pain below the area of the injury.

Postherpetic Neuralgia

This happens after someone has had shingles (a viral infection) and causes ongoing pain in the area where the rash was.

At Texas Pain Care, pain doctors like Dr. Peccora are experts in treating Neuropathic pain and will work with you to find a solution that is personalized to your needs.

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What are the Treatment Options for neuropathic Pain?

Treating neuropathic pain can be difficult. It often involves using different approaches like:

Peripheral neuropathy affects millions of people, and it can be excruciatingly painful as well as affect your ability to sense temperature and other sensations. The FDA recently approved a highly effective treatment for diabetic peripheral neuropathy called high frequency spinal cord stimulation. Dr. Peccora is one of the experts in the field of spinal cord stimulation. He has successfully used this therapy many times to treat many pain conditions, and the new scientific evidence suggests it is a great treatment for neuropathic pain. For more information, click here: HF10 for peripheral diabetic neuropathy.


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